When I set up xrdp on Raspbian Jessie a while ago, the keyboard layout appeared to be wrong - commonly used keys seemed to be returning US keycodes rather than UK ones. I found this post very helpful in resolving the problem, but it didn't quite fit the bill when I tried to do the same with a Raspbian Stretch instance recently. Here's what I did on Raspbian Stretch to set up xrdp to provide the correct keycodes.

First, I checked the keboard layout was as expected:

$ cat /etc/default/keyboard | grep LAYOUT

Then, I generated a keyboard mapping file using xrdp-genkeymap:

$ xrdp-genkeymap km-00000809.ini

This filename follows the current filename convention (under Jessie, it was km-0809.ini). I then copied this file into the xrdp configuration files directory:

$ sudo cp km-00000809.ini /etc/xrdp

The next step was to edit the file /etc/xrdp/xrdp_keyboard.ini, which appears to be new in Raspbian Stretch. Here are the lines I added, in an excerpt from the file:

< ... lines omitted ... >

; <rdp layout name> = <X11 keyboard layout value>
< ... lines omitted ... >

In each case, I added the rdp_layout_gb= lines. The final step was to restart the xrdp service:

$ sudo service xrdp restart

On reconnecting, I found that the keycodes were as they should have been, and I had access to the £@'~#\| keys again in their expected places on the keyboard.


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When I set up xrdp on Raspbian Jessie a while ago, the keyboard layout appeared to be wrong - commonly used keys seemed to be returning US keycodes rather than UK ones. I found this post very helpful in resolving the problem, but it didn't quite fit the bill when I tried to do the same with a Raspbian Stretch instance recently. Here's what I did on Raspbian Stretch to set up xrdp to provide the correct keycodes.

First, I checked the keboard layout was as expected:

$ cat /etc/default/keyboard | grep LAYOUT XKBLAYOUT="gb" Then, I generated a keyboard mapping file using xrdp-genkeymap:

$ xrdp-genkeymap km-00000809.ini This filename follows the current filename convention (under Jessie, it was km-0809.ini).

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